Monday 26 May 2008


Artist: Merlons




   Year: 1996   
Tracks: 1

The Merlons of Nehemiah were formed in 1992 in Germany. They speedily made a name for themselves when swerving precipitously from the course taken by many groups natural out of that country's burgeoning early '90s alternate folk-rock setting. While "Deutsche" folk-rock groups like Paddy Goes to Holyhead, An Cat Dubh, Fiddler's Green and Tapsi Turtles borrowed nigh only from their Irish and UK coevals the Merlons john Drew from more far-reaching sources. Utilizing instruments like recorders, lutes, bombarde, dudelsack and drehleyer in addition to diddle, guitar, bass and drums their expressive style could be described as "Alternative Medieval Mystic Folk Rock." Their sound remained constant passim their number one trey albums Cantoney, Eluoami and Romanoir when they were known by their total monicker, The Merlons of Nehemiah. 1996 adage a few changes occur in the ring. Not only did they shorten their name to Merlons their musical expressive style underwent a slim redevelopment as well. The acoustic, folksy instruments were secondhand far more infrequently as they constituted more of a modern john Rock identity. These changes coincided with increasing sake from bigger record labels. In fact after 1996's Water Naked Nature they terminated their longtime affiliation with Musical Tragedies to spill one album for BMG Ariola in 1998. That recording, Sinn-Licht, saw an even more drastic deviation from their mediaeval roots and by the time Spell was released in '99 they eager picayune resemblance to the creative band they were scarcely four-spot eld before. Also released on the same date as Trance was the live album Midgard which was recorded in 1994 and was fundamentally Musical Tragedies' testimonial to the group's groundbreaking origins as well as the labels' fond sayonara to the Merlons ahead they seesawed back to BMG.